Wow, blogger has actually let me post finally! I've been trying to do something all day and half the time I couldn't even get the blogger website to load!
Anyways, as I mentioned in my previous post my birthday was at the beginning of last week, and my friends know that I love ladybugs, so I thought I would show off some of the lovely gifts I've received over the last week! My newest ladybug bear - she is so pretty! And she came with her own stand, so she is all "propped" up - for now - here by my computer until I can find a more permanent and suitable home for her. I just love her! I got her from my friend K along with some other wonderful goodies including a lovely little charm key chain type thing with what else - ladybugs and kitties among the charms! Thanks a million!
Then from E I was surprised just the other day with the lovely stitched bookmark with all those wonderfully colourful ladybugs! Its awesome and so me! And it is already being put to good use! I've finally started reading again, so now not only will my cross stitch stash go down with my stitching challenge, but my book pile as well! E also surprised me today with that lovely yummy ladybug from a local bakery/deli! I think I just may have to go way up north to check this place out! She smells so delicious, but we haven't eaten her yet as she is just too pretty!
On to the kitties! The first picture is of what I am stitching right now, I started it earlier in the week, and its almost done... I just need to stitch the straw that is underneath the pumpkin and it will be complete. I'm thinking of maybe getting Laci to make it into a pillow for me, but we'll see. For now it will go into the finished stitching pile with the rest. And of course the next picture is of my little sweetie! However she does look a little mad in the picture, but she isn't, she was just being cute. I took the same picture with the flash, but it really washed her face out and made her look scarier!!
And the last picture are the roses that I got from my hubby for my birthday! It was a big surprise as we discussed that I don't really need/want anything for my birthday this year. They are so pretty and smell so nice too. I think I will hang them upside down to dry, and I can then enjoy them for longer.
Thanks to everyone, for the gifts, well wishes, emails etc, I had a wonderful birthday thanks to you all!
Now for a little fun... this has been going around the various message boards that I visit and I thought I would share, since it is getting close to Halloween... Find the 50 Dark Movies (M&M Halloween game) I'm up to 24 and am stuck! How well can you do?!
Have fun....
Also not sure what the heck is going on with blogrolling, but as you can suddenly see it seems to show that all the blogs I read have all been updated today! (Even though I know they aren't) It's neat to see all the little fishies, but sort of irritating as well! Anyone know of a more reliable place/thing to keep my blogroll on???
3 megjegyzés:
Hello there :)
Just wanted to let you know you have a nice blog and wanted to ask where did you get the stitching blinkies from? They are so cute but I can't find them anywhere :(
Happy Belated Birthday!
Happy Belated Birthday!
Happy-happy birthday :)
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