I really hope that I can get out of this quick, as I am super behind in my gift stitching! I have a wonderful friend who's birthday is today and sadly I haven't even started on her gift... I really hope I can pull it all together and get myself organized so its not too late in getting to her...
I still have my nieces gifts here as well, though the stitching part on those are done as you saw in my last post...I really need to get a move on with those as well, and pop them into the mail too...
Since I have no stitching progress or any sort of progres to show you, I'll end this with one of my favourite pictures from our trip to Hungary in 2008 - a close up of a beautiful magnolia tree. Happy Spring!!!
5 megjegyzés:
I also love magnolia, one of the most beautiful flowers I think!
Happy Easter to you and your family!
Gorgeous magnolia! Don't worry, you'll get your stithing mojo back!
Hm, írtam egy megjegyzést, és valamiért nem jelent meg...
Szóval... Szombathely ilyenkor tavasszal tele van magnóliával - a terek, az utcák... Sok helyre ültettek, és mikor egyszerre nyílnak: az valami fenséges. Mintha valami paradicsommá változna az egész város :) Mindenki feje fent, mosolyognak, mintha semmi baj és gond nem lenne odalent...
Ez a magnólia valami gyönyörűséges!
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