
kedd, március 01, 2011

dancing with Molly...

I have some catching up to do... I haven't had time to post lately, life has kept me pretty busy, but I did manage to get some stitching in!!! As you can see from the title of my post, I've finished Molly, a little behind Barbi, but she is done!

However, before we get to her, let's do some catch up progress pictures of her!

The weekend of Feb 19-20-21 was a long weekend here, and I manged to get a fair bit of stitching in... it was so nice to be able to actually get so much done!

Here is my progress from that weekend...

During the short week that followed, I put Molly away for a few days, and worked on Mirabilia's Sweet Pea, as my neice's birthday is fast approaching! Here is her progress...

Last Sunday (the 26th) I manged to get another good amount of stitching time in... here is Molly's progress after that session...

I kept Molly in my q-snaps, since I was so close to finishing her, and I almost still manged to do it in February, but I was too tired last night and had only the border left, so I finished her up tonight. Here she is in all her glory, hot off the needle!

Next up for the Sunday SAL with Barbi, is Elizabeth, number 2 of 4 girls in the series by Carriage House Samplings. Barbi, if its okay with you let's start next weekend - the 13th, so I can get my act together and get my supplies ready!

4 megjegyzés:

Barbi írta...

Wooo Hoooo!!! Congrats on the finish. She looks great! I love her! Yes the 13th is perfect! I'll get Liz ready on my end as well this weekend. :)

Maggie írta...

Yaaayyy congratulations on finishing Molly!!

i'm still pugging away at mine and will be for a ehile i think,lol

Blu írta...

Congrats on finishing Molly!

Névtelen írta...

Szia! Nagyon szívesen elküldöm a mintát, de nem adtál meg elérhetőséget :).
Az enyém a blogon az oldalsávban vagy a profilomban megtalálható, ha nem szeretnéd a megjegyzésben meghagyni az e-mail címed.

Gratulálok a szép hímzésekhez !