
kedd, május 15, 2012

SAL Progress...

Well Sunday and Monday are SAL days, and sadly I didn't put a single stitch in Suzannah on Sunday! That poor girl is getting so neglected! Barbi will definitely finish hers before I even get close, I'm so behind!

However, for yesterday's 6 Fat Men SAL I did get some stitching in!  here is my progress on it so far... not too much, but its getting there. Hopefully next Monday I can finish off that snowman, and block. I won't push my luck by saying that I'll start another one but that will be soon enough as well. Please excuse the picture, I took it with my iPhone....

I've sort of found my stitching mojo again, but its still not 100%, it seems to be a hit or miss type thing right now.  I pulled out Sabrina and put some stitches in her tonight, so I'll try and take a picture tomorrow, as its been a while since I posted one for her.  I've been doing a little here and there on her, but I know it will look like a lot more progress than it really is since my last progress picture.

Also don't forget that its an important weekend coming up!  Not only is it a long weekend for us (bonus), its also TUSAL posting on Sunday as well as the IHSW this weekend!! We were orginally going to be away but it turned out that we will be home, and I am hoping to get lots and lots of stitching in! For more information on both, please see my side bar, I've got clickable buttons for both.

5 megjegyzés:

Mel írta...

Looking good my dear. Glad to hear that you are stitching again.

I hope you have a great stitchy weekend coming up!

Barbi írta...

Glad to see the mo is back in you jo! Maybe this coming long weekend will bring you some inspiration with a little extra time to work on things.
You've made good progress on your block :)

Veronica írta...

Wonderful progress, Kati. Unfortunately I didn't manage to stitch on Monday. I'll make up for it today or tomorrow :)


Anne írta...

Yay for returning mojo!! It's looking great!!!

Névtelen írta...


Your stitching is looking great.
Happy IHSW!