
hétfő, május 21, 2012

tusal, sal, ihsw...

Hmmm where to start... I again forgot yesterday was TUSAL day, so here is my ort jar one day late...

Also here is my year to date in the big jar, with this month's orts added in too... Considering I didn't feel like I stitched that much this month, my jar got pretty full...

I will admit, I forgot to post yesterday becuase we weren't even home for most of the day...and with that thought, I will also admit that I stitched on Suzannah on Saturday night instead our regular Sunday SAL becuase I knew Iwouldn't be home and didn't want the poor girl to be neglected for 3 weeks in a row...  anyways, here is her progress... still way behind Barbi!

So as you can see I worked on Suzannah as part of my IHSW weekend, as well as I did some more on Sabrina.  Since I haven't posted a progress picture of her in a while, here she is too....  I'm getting closer to finishing up her skirt... not quite there yet, but I see a light at the end of the tunnel!

Today is the 6 Fat Men SAL, and I am hoping to get some nice stitching time in today, since it is a holdiay for us... we do have a dinner to go to, but I have a little time before that and will hopefully have some afterwards too that I can work on it before heading off to bed tonight.

Happy stitching everyone!

7 megjegyzés:

Barbi írta...

Nice work on Suzannah! What colour are you using for the dirt? I like that better than the ecru that it's calling for.
Sabrina is Gorgeous!!

Rosemary írta...

Great work on your projects, especially since you had lots of other things to do as well.

mdgtjulie írta...

Looking good, Katica. I love Sabrina except for her one shoulder looks funny to me. She's gorgeous otherwise though. Keep up the good work!

Veronica írta...

Your TUSAL jar is so full already! I think you've made good progress on both your WiPs. I really love the drape of Sabrina's dress.


Névtelen írta...


Great TUSAL, your jar is so full.

Beautiful stitching - love Sabrina, she's looking so pretty.

Bea írta...

Great stitching. I think Sabrina's skirt is just beautiful.

Anne írta...

Wow! That's a lot of orts even for the full year! Beautiful progress on Sabrina and Suzannah! I see you like to stitch the skirts first!!