
hétfő, január 06, 2014

back to the rotation...

As you know I started a new project on New Year's day - the Cardinal Sampler in the Nov/Dec 1994 issue of CS & CC.  This is my progress after 4 stitching sessions...

And considering how much backstitching there is on this project, I am quite enjoying it!  However, it's back to business and the business of rotations as I have a number of other projects screaming at me to stitch them!

Since we are back in business, and yesterday was Sunday, it was time to pull out Humbolt Coast, which sad to say hasn't seen any stitchy time since October!  Here are my "before and after" pictures...

 I am also going to reorganize my rotation a little, in that I am putting the houses on hold for a little bit longer, as I want to join in on an ongoing SAL with some stitchy friends... they are working on the 4 season patchwork from Jardin Prive.... they are ahead of me, in that they already have spring and summer finished and are half way through autumn... so I definitely have catching up to do... I am jumping in with autumn to start this week...  we will see how far I get, as I haven't even picked fabric or pulled any threads!

Till next time happy stitching!!!

5 megjegyzés:

Marilyn írta...

Great projects.
The Cardinal piece is very colorful.
Love the new Jardin Prive project.

valerie írta...

Love your Christmas piece but I am so excited to see Humboldt back in your rotation. Such a wonderful desgin. I like the Autumn Jardin Prive design too...I haven't seen it before. Happy Stitching!

Jucus írta...

Nagyon szép a Cardinal samplered, ahogy írtam is, olyan szép kis antikos.
A tengerpartossal egész nagyot haladtál, az is nagy munka, de meg fogja érni!
A SAL-hoz meg hajrá! Nagyon helyes!

Dani - tkdchick írta...

Cardinal Sampler is beautiful a friend of mine has it on her wall and I'm always admiring it!

Faith... írta...

I love Cardinal Sampler and am looking forward to seeing your progress on 4 season patchwork.