
vasárnap, január 12, 2014

first finish of the year...

I have my first finish for the year! However, before I show it off I would like to let everyone know of a free SAL that are going on, on Facebook... which I am contemplating on doing sometime this year.

It is made of traditional Hungarian folk motifs, and the colours are so pretty and springy! Perfect to look at, and stitch with all this snow, and still being in the grips of winter and the cold.

It starts officially tomorrow, but I know I will definitely be joining in a little later.  It's pretty all in one, but the various motifs are perfect on their own as well for pinkeeps, ornaments, etc.  So many possibilities with this one.

You can find the facebook page here (click). You will be able to get the pattern here (click) on the host's blog.  The pattern will be available in various languages, including English.  While most of the chat on the facebook page is in Hungarian, please don't let that stop you from joining!  The host does know English, and there are others there who speak English as well.

Now on to my finish... in my last post I mentioned that I was starting a SAL with some online friends for the seasonal patchwork designs by Jardin Prive.... they were on autumn, so that is where I jumped in... Thanks to having bronchitis, and being home from work for 3 days last week, I had plenty of time to stitch in between naps, coughing and tea!  I managed to both start and finish the autumn one.

Here it is!

I stitched it on 32ct ivory joblean, using the called for DMC colours. Started on Jan 6, finished Jan 10, 2014.  I really enjoyed stitching it, the colours are so bright and happy, perfect for when you are feeling under the weather!  Winter is up next, and I am looking forward to it, but for now it's back to business and back to my rotation.

Till next time... happy stitching!

edited to add where you can get the pattern for the SAL

7 megjegyzés:

Jan írta...

Congrats on your first finish of the year!!! Where does one get the chart for the free SAL on face book?

Blu írta...

Congrats on a gorgeous finish!

valerie írta...

Congrats on your first finish of the year! Your Autumn Sampler looks great!

Dani - tkdchick írta...

Congrats on your lovely finish!

Caitlin @ Naughts Cross Stitches írta...

such a lovely finish! It makes me want to get these ones!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname írta...

Congrats on the first finish of the year! I love the bright autumnal colours in this one.

The SAL looks lovely too.

Shebafudge írta...

That's a gorgeous finish! I like the SAL too. xx