
kedd, március 24, 2015

Sunday SAL

I totally forgot to post my progress on Cornwall Cottage, our Sunday SAL with Barbi and Linda, last week!

I kept saying, "oh I'll do it tomorrow, I'll do it later" and what do you know another week has gone by! I didn't even get to stitch on it this week, so I can only show last week's progress...

Again blogger is acting up, as it has rotated my picture sideways, when I already fixed it so it was the right way up before uploading...
I am really enjoying this piece, and missed stitching on it Sunday... but I will admit, I am getting anxious about the thread... I am trying to be frugal, but I still feel like I won't have enough of certain colours... the red in particular is what is bugging me... I'm going to do all the border first, that way if I have to get more for the middle, it won't be as obvious if there is a dye lot difference.

4 megjegyzés:

Barbi írta...

Gorgeous! I'm going to complete the border too and then move onto the middle part. It seems to be using lots of thread doesn't it! We'll see how it goes :)

Marilyn írta...

Very pretty.
Love the colors in this one.
Great progress.

Dani - tkdchick írta...

Oooh its wonderful and I really like that inner border!

Unknown írta...

It's looking good. I seem to be okay with the red so far I've only used about one and half of 2259 but then I don't think I'm as far forward as you.