Saturday was basically an all day affair, in that we had a show to put on at the cultural center. There was a group of three actors from Translyvania who are doing a North American tour, and Saturday happen to be their show here... the week actually started with trying to boost ticket sales becuase for some unknown reason, even though its been advertised for a little while etc, good ole Hungarians like to leave everything to the last minute... ( I really hate that - I should be used to it by now, but its still one of my pet peeves...) Anyways, DH cooked up a batch of his famous gulyas soup that we served up, and the show was great. Though we had a pretty good turn out, its too bad that not more people showed up as it was a great show, there was definitely lots of laughter to go around!
Sunday... was again a very busy day for us as it was the christening for one of my best friend's daughter, and she and her husband asked me and DH to be godparents for her!!! Here she is in her christening outfit as well as her 6 month pictures that I got from her mom..

On the stitching front, I've been plugging along on the wedding piece, and have been enjoying it so far... I just may do it again for one more week and give it a good push (if possible) before switching off on my rotation. I've been asked to do some obligation stitching, so I'm going to have to really get my butt in gear on all of these projects! I'll post more details later on when I know them and if I'm allowed... Anyways, till then, here is my progress from this week:Although, I didn't get as much stitching in as I would have liked, I think I did pretty good, and I've also completely messed up my time keeping. I wanted to record the hours I worked on this, but all last week I kept forgetting to write my times into my book! So now of course I have no clue... oh well, I'll know roughly how many weeks I worked on it so its not so bad! We'll see how much I'll be able to do this week!
The job situation is okay, still no news as to what is going on with that position I applied for and no news as to whether or not I'll be interviewed... I don't even know if the interviews have started, as our supervisor seems to be overly busy with other things at the moment... oh well I'm working all this week and all next week so we'll see what happens in the mean time...Right now though it is a little boring - at least for me, as I'm still helping train someone and that still means just sitting behind her and watching over her shoulder to make sure she is doing everything correctly. Its sort of flattering that I haven't been back all that long and they feel comfortable enough to let me train someone, but at the same time, I really want to just pull out my hair, as it really makes for a boring day/week - as this is what I'll be doing all week this week!
DH's birthday is coming up and I have no idea as to what to get him as a gift...I feel bad becuase a couple of people have asked me for ideas and I have no clue what to tell them! We'll probably go out for dinner - the three of us (dad, me and DH maybe even 4 if I can get a hold of his son...)on the actual day, and we are having friends over on the weekend to celebrate, but other than that I'm stumped as to what I should get him to spoil him. I know I don't have to get him anything, I just like spoiling him, and trying to figure out the perfect gift! (this year though as I said I"m stumped!)
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