For some unknown reason, I was really feeling the time crunch on my stitching - the wedding piece in particular - last night. I've looked at my progress, and I think I've done fairly well so far - I need to have it finished and framed by the beginning of August, so I think I'm on the right track to getting it

Other news in the stitching front - I'm again not sure what I'll stitch this week, but I think I'm going to take a break - at least for this week and work on something else. I'm thinking of maybe even starting something new (small) so that I could have a happy dance by the end of the week. I need a little finishing going on right now... I have one or two little projects all picked out, just need to make a final decision about which one(s)!
I've been missing the SBQ lately, but before I try and play catch up (sorry in advance for my non-stitching readers - if there are any of you!) let me just update/review what's been going on in life for the last week or so...
On the job front - I've been picking up more extra shifts, and finally had the job interview for the tempoary full time position that I applied for at the beginning of April... I had the interview this past Thursday - it was just over an hour long and I swear I was sweating bullets the whole time! Some of the questions they were asking were just plain dumb, but hey its not my place to pass judgement - I tried to answer everything the best I could, though that was not always easy... it was a fairly relaxed interview (for them anyways) and I did leave feeling positive, both about myself and how it went. One of the interviewers (there were 2) said that they had never laughed so much in a job interview as they did with me - I'm hoping that is a good thing! I should know their decision by the end of this week - I'm not holding my breath about it, as it did seem to take forever to get to the interview, but I'll keep you all posted. Either way I'll be fine - if I get it or if I don't.
We had the elections at our cultural association where I volunteer last night as well, and things went much better than I expected. Hardly any fighting/yelling going around - not like previous years. The turn out wasn't bad, I was expecting a few more people but we still had more than enough to get the quorum. Yes I'm back as part of the exectutive, and I'm hoping with this new group we will be able to push forward with more positive ideas and programs etc, instead of arguing with each other and defending your actions against various attacks/attackers. Such wasted energy that could be put to much more productive measures.
And now on to the SBQ as this post is really starting to get long!
Q: For those of you that stitch while riding in the car or on the train, how do you cope with the bumps and the motion? Do you have any tips for others? (from April 12)
A: I've only done this for one piece, and it was just basic filling in so I didn't have to follow the pattern at all. If I would have there would have been no way possible. I could only do it on a particular stretch of road as well - as it was very straight without a lot of scenery, otherwise I would have been very dizzy and very sick! I don't usually do this, and since that one piece, I'm not tempted to try again, so no tips etc..
Q: Do you do obligation or deadline-based stitching? Why or why not? If you do, do you tend to get in over your head and why? (from April 19)
A: I've done obligation/deadline stitching - both now and in the past. For the most part I tend to give myself selfimposed deadlines. If I don't make them that is okay, as the person the gift is for didn't know about it, so they wouldn't know if I finished in time or not. I did this last Christmas - I choose too large of a design for a gift and about 1/2 through I knew I wouldn't finish it, plus get the other gifts that I needed to have done, so I changed projects to something smaller and kept the big one for myself - which reminds me I need to get back and finish it! I'm worse with projects for myself. I tend to always put those on the back burner and stitch something for someone else that has some sort of deadline, while my projects are lanquishing as unfinished wips in a drawer (I have several that fit that category right now)
Q: Do you or have you stitched with over-dyed threads? (Weeks Dye Works, The Gentle Art Sampler Threads, Six Strand Sweets, etc.) If so, what is your opinion concerning them? If not, why not? (from May 3)
A: I have stitched with a variety of over-dyed threads, and I have to say I do like them. More and more designers are using them in their patterns. If its a small project that calls for them I'll usually switch out to just regular DMC, but if its a larger piece, and you can get the embllishment packs I'll definitely use those... I've enjoyed using them, and I will continue to do so at my own discretion in a pattern - for some of my patterns that call for one colour only, I tend to substitute in an overdye of my choosing.
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