Sorry all for the disappearing act, but a couple of factors sort of all combined all at once so I couldn't/didn't update till now! Nothing too thrilling happened, work was keeping me busy, then we had a 5 day internet/phone outage thanks to the rain, and also not much has been happening here that was blog worthy...
Anyways, I'm back, I had a couple of people email me saying my blog hasn't been updated in a while, am I okay, and I thought I had better get my act together and update you all! As I said work has been keeping me busy, but the last couple of days last week were actually quiet. I'm getting the hang of the "going to work everyday" routine, its just the getting up in the morning that is killing me! I am so not a morning person! But that is okay, I'm getting the hang of it. As I mentioned in a previous post somewhere, its been a while since I've had such regular hours, so it is taking a bit of getting used to. The one thing I do enjoy is the fact that I have my own desk, that is arranged the way I like and I always know what units I will be covering, not like when I was doing the same job as casual - it was always a surprise to find out what/who you were covering and where you were sitting! I'm also really lucky in that I have managed to swap out of all my 6am shifts!! So I don't have to get up and go in that early! I'm strictly an 8am girl! LOL
Dad is home, and his garden is growing like crazy! Its like a complete jungle down there - and not just becuase of all the weeds! DH and I managed to get it all nice and cleaned up before he arrived back, but then we started getting lots of rain, and the darn weeds just came back with a vengence! My dad seems to have a fascination with tall flowers, so that doesn't seem to help the jungle look at all! But he likes it and he is happy (except for the weeds) so that is all that counts or matters! I'm happy in that for the first time since we've planted them, we have irises blooming - the big single flower ones, we have a ton in the garden, and for the past couple of years, it seemed that the only ones that bloomed were the new additions that were just planted that year. But this year, we have blooms! I missed the first two, as it was raining outside and couldn't get a good picture, but as the other ones bloom I will try and post photos of them.
In other news with the garden, I am so glad that I don't have allergies! Our neighbourhood has been disgusting the last couple of weeks with all the fluff flying around - pollen from the cottonwood/poplar trees. I took pictures last weekend (the 10th) of how the front of the house looked and its gross. I'll post them so you can see too. The rain has helped a little but not much, there is still so much of that stuff on the trees that the stuff will be flying around for a while yet.
I also managed to get some stitching in, and I finished up the prototype project, in all actuality it didn't take that long to stitch, it was just when I was stitching it I hardly had anytime to sit down and work on it. I think it turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself, and the orgainzers liked it as well. I just have a couple of small changes that will need to be made for when I start the rest - mainly spacing issues. Since the orgainzers have already seen it and have given their "approval" I'll show you as well when I can as it seems blogger is acting up today.
I also managed to get some stitching in on the wedding piece as well. I am enjoying it tremedously, but I'm starting to get into panic mode, as its no where near being done! I need it to be finished it for August 5th when they have their reception here in town, but I'm not sure anymore, so keep your fingers crossed and send good thoughts that I have a speedy needle in the next little while! Once blogger is back to normal, I'll post a progress pictures of that too.
Anyways, that is it for me, I'll try and be better at updating and I will be doing some more catch up posts as soon as blogger will let me post photos.
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