A small stitching update... I haven't posted a picture of the actual finished wall hanging that was made for my exchange partner in Hungary.... here it is...

I have to say that yes we did pay an arm and a leg for it to be mailed, but that is becuase I sent it express post to make sure it got to its destination before Christmas, and I am happy to report that the recipient has recieved the box! I forgot to take a picture of the other stuff I included, but I also added in three pieces of fabric - various colours and counts of evenweave, as well as two Margaret Sherry patterns, and 4 skeins of Six Sweet Strands floss. I hope she likes it!
I do have another finish to mark off on my challenge, however, I can't post a photo, as it will be a gift to someone who reads my blog, and I don't want to ruin the surprise! I still have to get that package all together as well, but I'd like to stitch at least one more small gift for the recipient, but the way I'm going I won't get it done for a while. Though I did warn them that their package will definitely not get there in time for the holidays!
I've also been promising - for a while now, that one day I will take a picture of the view I have from work - okay not my office/desk, but when we go out on breaks this is the view we have...
4 megjegyzés:
Ack!!! Sorry you're sick. Hope you feel better soon. Beautiful view!
Oh goodness. I wish you weren't sick, but it is the holiday/flu season. Take care. Have lots of lemons! Love ya!
Fel a fejjel! Igyál sok mézes-citromos teát, és pihenj sokat! Szokott segíteni!
Szorítok, hogy gyorsan kilábalj a betegségből!
Nagyon aranyos az az elefánt!!! Gratulálok! Csodás a varrása is! Várom, hogy a többi hímzésed is feltedd!
What a beautiful view !
Humphrey looks fabulous, by the way :)
I hope you're better by now !
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