The arrow in the picture indicates where I am on the filling in. Everything to the right of the arrow has now been filled in with the white... goodness, just look how much more there is to do! Will I ever finish this thing??? I know it won't be for Christmas that is forsure!

Here is my little snow guy, I love the way he turned out, and the hat and scarf are courtesy of Zsuzsi who crocheted everyone's while the paint was drying! Thanks to Elsie for the woodwork and the rest of the supplies!
Here are a couple of shots of the three of them together...

And last but not least, we had another craft night last night and I worked on my exchange piece. I got so much progress done yesterday that I managed to finish him!!! Whoo hoo another happy dance, and another project to mark off on the project challenge! DH will make him into a wall hanging tomorrow and then its off in the mail with him... keep all your fingers and toes crossed that my gift will make it to its recipient in time!

Yes its Humphrey and yes this is the 3rd time I've stitched him, but I've yet to keep him for myself! He always seems to be a gift for someone else! Oh well, its a good thing he is a quick and easy stitch as he will more than likely be stitched again in the future - just not the near future!
3 megjegyzés:
Everything looks lovely. I ADORE that little elephant, too!
Everything looks lovely. I ADORE that little elephant, too!
The Wedding is magnificent. I love the colours. You'll be done in no time :)
The snowmen are so cute. What a great idea :) And Humphrey is adorable. I'd like to get around to stitching one of him someday.
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