Quick update on our kitty - the surgery went well on Friday, though I have to admit I was pretty worried all day, thank goodness work was busy so it kept my mind of things... and also helped to make the time go by faster! She is doing very well, eating etc, still hiding out during the day, but in general, she is being more herself than before. She now has a funky hair cut, but in time all her fur will grow back. She looks pretty silly though, and when she flops down and shows off her tummy it still is somewhat shocking as to how big an area they shaved clean! Plus with an all black kitty your just not used to seeing so much white! But as I said she is doing well, and hopefully her recovery will continue smoothly. Though I have to admit, it is getting more and more difficult to give her her antibiotics! Thank goodness only a few more days to go with those!
Quick stitching update for this week, I finished the stitching part of another gift, it was a quick stitch, much faster than I originally thought, so I was pleasantly surprised. Now to just finish it into what it is supposed to be (I know with the other ones, so I can finally get them to their recipeients and post picutures!) Since I finished it so quick, I pulled out the wedding piece for the remainder of the week, and got a little more done on that one, I'll post a progress picture...either later today or tomorrow forsure. I've also started working on my peonies again - yesterday, as I took my stitching with me to where we were last night - both projects - the wedding and the peonies, but I left the thread for the wedding at home, so I swapped out the wedding for the peonies in my qsnaps and started working on that one... that one will be my focus piece for this week coming up. (yes I know its only Sunday and I normally swap out on Monday's - but this week is an exception!)
I haven't answered one of the SBQ in a while so thought I'd have a go:
Fabric Counts:
Q:What is the smallest count fabric you have ever used? Did you stitch over one? Conversely, what is the largest count fabric you have ever used?
A: The smallest I've ever used to date is 32ct and will more than likely not go smaller than that - just too small for the eyes, and yes I have stitched over one on it, though it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be - my preference is still 28ct and I've done over one on that as well. The largest count I've used is 11ct.
There is also a similar blog question going around the Hungarian stitching blogs I read so I'll answer that one as well, - please excuse the Hungarian for now, and no laughing or commenting on my gramatical errors!
Ityamom blogjárol:
Kérdés:Van-e olyan hímzéssel kapcsolatos dolog, amit annyira nem szeretsz, hogy inkább neki sem kezdesz a munkának, amihez kapcsolódik?
Válász: Igen vannak.
-Olyannak például mint a HAED vagy White Willow Stitching féle minták -amik számitogéppel vannak csinalva - nélymelyik tetszik, de a nagyszaguk miatt meg a "confetti stitching" - azaz ahol itt ott egy szem egy szinben elszortan az egesz mintaban, inkább ki hagyom őket
-Olyan mintát sem szeretek, amiben van sok 3/4 meg 1/4 oltesek, sem túl sok francia csomo (egyet-kettőt elviselek, de nagyon sokat már nem.) Most is gondba vagyok, mert az Utolso Vacsorám is pont ilyen minta - túl sok benne a 3/4 meg 1/4 öltés - lehet hogy azert nem vettem elő már egy jó pár éve?
-Az Évi-vel is egyet ertek a szalaghimzel de nekem inkabb azert mert nem nagyon teszik, vannak minták ahol naygon is szépen mutat, de annyira nem teszetek meg hogy ki is probajám'
-És muszalj hogy tetszen a minta - már volt olyan alkalom ahol masnak himeztem (Ők választotak ki a mintát) és olyan nehezen ment az egesz, mintha valami kinzás lett vona mire befejeztem!!!
10 órája
2 megjegyzés:
I"m glad to hear that kitty made it thought the surgery.
I'm so happy to hear your kitty is doing well!! : )
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