Just thought I would post a couple of progress pictures of my Hungarian Blogging SAL. (stitch-a-long)
We are doing the monthly freebie houses from here. Some of the girls are done already,(you can see everyone's progress on the SAL blog) but I'm just making slow progress. Hopefully though, since it is a long weekend, I'm be able to finish it by Monday. I can't complain as tonight I got a good amount done, but I think it was more becuase the part I was working on didn't have that many colour changes... Anyways here is a before and after tonight's stitching session. The white picket fence and some white flowers on the right side are stitched already, you just can't tell in the picture. It looks better in real life...
I added my 3 inch scissors next to it so you can see the size... I'm stitching it over 1 on 28ct fabric, with one strand of the recommended DMC thread. Not too sure what fabric it is, it was a nice neutrual/ivory/ecru coloured piece that was in my stash... I will be doing a couple of changes, I'm not going to stitch the bird on this one, I got the idea from Zsuzsa - who also didn't stitch the bird, and I liked it. I'm also changing the lettering... I still need to find a nice alphabet - I was thinking some type of script writing, and my months will be in Hungarian instead of the French orginally given...
11 perce
4 megjegyzés:
Hey missy love the stitching. Also the pictures....that was a fun day!!
Nagyon helyes hogy ilyen kis picur lesz:) nemsokára elkészülsz vele!én is egy szálra varrom, hogy ha ma kész lesz, este teszek fel képet a blogra róla:)
Very pretty!
Nagyon aranyos kis picike lesz!
A madár nem is hiányzik!
Bár ahogy az előzőeket elnéztem mindig tesz rá valami kis madárkát.
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