I'm stitching it on 32ct ivory jobelan, (at least that is what the label says... I thinking its more like lugana, but either way its a nice fabric) with one strand of silk over 2. I'm really enjoying it so far, its working up quite nicely and quickly.
Just a head's up, about my first giveaway, I haven't heard from two of the three winners, and its been just over a week, so the grand prize will go to the one that did contact me with their information, and then no 2nd and 3rd place surprises. Sorry to the ladies who lost out, but I think a week is reasonable enough time to wait.
Also speaking of giveaways, don't forget to check in on Missy's generous giveaway (button is on my sidebar) as well as come back in a couple of days as I should have my next giveaway ready to go too!
Edited to add for Nina: The floss wrapped on its own label is Dark Forrest - Silk n' Colours 089
4 megjegyzés:
Ez csodaszép lesz! Tegnap kaptam meg a mintáját, egyszer tuti meghímzem én is :) Gyönyörűek a fonalak is hozzá...
Megkérdezhetem, mi a neve annak, amelyik a papírjára van tekerve?
Álomszép az a kép!
Nagyon szép lesz ez a minta...csodaszépek a hozzávaló fonalak is!
Gyönyörű a minta :)
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