Time has seriously been just flying since Thanskgiving here in October. I blink and another week or month has gone by...
Stitching wise I haven't touched a needle since my last post, so no change whatsoever to my TUSAL for the last post of this year. I won't repost the picture since it is in the previous post. I have signed up to continue my TUSAL for another year. Its sort of fun to see how much or how little stitching I do in a month's time, as well as to see all the colours collect in the jar. So the next posting for that is January 4th. I've updated my date for it as well as the link (click on the TUSAL button on my side bar) if anyone would like to know more information or would like to join.
Hopefully I'll be able to get my normal stitching mojo back and start stitching again... I really miss it!
Hmm, where did we leave off... October posts... Thanksgiving weekend...and also my birthday weekend, we spent a fantastic 4 days (since I took the friday off as well) with friends and family.
We went for our now 3rd annual mountain retreat with a great group of friends and had a fantastic time pampering ourselves at the spa, enjoying the mountains and the scenery with a nice walk, and just overall relaxing and having fun...

When our time in the mountians was over, but before we headed home, part of my family came up to join us for the day... we had more fun walking around in Banff being silly, enjoying the hot pools, and even getting to see deer close up.

However the weekend and celebrations didn't stop there... family came over for Thanksgiving dinner as well as to celebrate my birthday. I think my two great nephews enjoyed the cake!

Also in October, the girls and I went out for a Girl's Night to see "For the Love of Shoes" which was a fundraising benefit for Breast Cancer. It showcased shoes donated by 12 famous Canadian women, which then in turn were made into beautiful works of art by 14 Canadian designers and artists. We had a fantastic time, a couple of us even won door prizes, including me! If you know me, then you know I don't carry a purse but I love looking at them. I don't buy them becuase I don't carry them! However my door prize was three purses! One of those
Miche bags where you can just change the outer shell. I always thought they were so neat and I finally got one (or I should say 3)

We also enjoyed some family time at the Corn Maze. It was the last day of the season, so the corn was all yellow and dried out and it was very muddy but we all had a great time.

I've already posted about Halloween, so we can hit November now! November was another busy month, but not so much with picture taking opportunities but more, just the day to day stuff, with work, school for the girls, their extra curricular activities, and our volunteer stuff.
Winter did hit big time, and the girls took full advantage of it, with one of them taking snowboarding lessons and the other skiing lessons...

One more exciting thing did happen in November... I was lucky enough to meet Paul Brandt. He was have a media release party for his new upcoming show "Build it Forward" , and my one of my best friends was attending and could bring a date. She picked me! It was really a really fun night, I got to meet some very lovely and interesting people, including Paul Brandt himself.

I know I'm missing more stuff, but I think that's it for now... This post is turning out to be much longer than I thought it would.
I hope to get some stitching in before Christmas, but so far December is turning out to be jam packed full of events and going ons as well.
3 megjegyzés:
Te aztán tudsz élni :) Nem unatkozol, nagyon úgy látom :)
A hímzés most nálam is háttérbe szorul, de nem a mojom vesztettem el, csak nem jut épp időm rá. De majd újra felveszem a tűt, és bökök :)
Az éjjel megint rólad álmodtam valamit, remélem, nem csuklottál nagyon :))
Az biztos hogy nem unatkozom! Nincs is ra idom! :O)
Remelem jot almodtal rolam! Es ha hiszed ha nem igen csuklottam - nem nagyon, epp egy parat mikor lefekudtem alduni!
HI katica! I got your request for the christmas tree cheat sheet but I don't have your email address...could you write me at playswithneedles (at) verizon (dot) net and tell it to me. Thanks and Merry Christmas!
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