I'm really enjoying working on this one! Here is my progress from last's night stitching session for the SAL
I'm finished all the borders and the little bird house - so cute! Though I will admit I'm not particularly liking the green of the green stripe on the house just between the roof and the house itself. I may change out that green...
Now its on to more fun stuff, starting to fill in the different boxes! Not sure which one I'll start with, but they all are so darn cute!
Hope everyone was able to get some good stitching time in, but if not that is okay too, any progress is good progress! don't forget, if you haven't joined us yet, there is still time to join and come stitch with us next Monday! Just click on the tab at the top of my blog and you'll find some more information.
Happy stitching everyone!
5 órája
6 megjegyzés:
I'm loving your fabric choice. You've made good progress. You're right, the green stripe does look a little out of place. Maybe you could change the colour to be the same as the windows. Me, I'm not too bothered by it so I'll just leave it as it is :)
Well done on getting all the borders completed and you're right that birdhouse is too cute.
Looking pretty :) Really nice fabric choice!
I thinks this one will be gorgeous! You already made a great start.
great progress :D
This is looking so great, Katica. :D
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