
kedd, augusztus 27, 2013

dancing up a storm...

Again, sorry for the disappearance, but again I have good reason... I've been stitching up a storm and have some finishes to show...

I finished my freebie heart done in all beads by AAN... I changed the word friendship in the centre to love and filled in some the extra empty space around it...

I also started another small one... Lizzie Kate's Forgive Quickly...   I stitched this one up on antique white 28ct jobelan using crescent colours wild berries thread (one of my favourite colours)

And last but not least, my biggest finish this month and one of my all time favourites... Fairy Moon by Mirabilia... I've added a couple of extra close ups... and please excuse the quality of them, they are phone pictures...

I've already got my next projects lined up, but I have to do some housekeeping with my threads first and put stuff away... once that is done I can finally see what I have and what I will still need for my next projects...
Till next time... happy stitching!

4 megjegyzés:

Dani - tkdchick írta...

Wow congratulations! Especially for Fairy Moon you've stitched her on an amazing fabric!!! You must feel awesome over all of these new finishes!

Barbi írta...

So beautiful!!!! Can hardly wait to hear what you're stitching next!

Cath írta...

She is totally beautiful. Well done on all your finishes .x

♥ Nia írta...

Ohhhh Fairy Moon looks stunning! Gorgeous work :D