
vasárnap, március 30, 2014

catching up...and ort report

Let's start with the ort report... here is my jar for this month.  Lots in there but I really didn't stitch as much as I would have liked. Still I managed to get lots done...
I don't have any pictures of Humbolt Coast to show, as I haven't had time to work on it on Sundays lately... the same thing for today... I haven't had a chance yet to sit down and stitch...
However I have been working on other things... I pulled out my cardinal sampler and managed to get a nice chunk done on it....
I then pulled out the Home Sweet Home piece by Les Grilles de Maryse, and managed to finish off the 3 block as well as more of the border... 

Please excuse the picture, blogger would only upload it sideways, no matter how many times I tried... which is strange as it is right side up on my computer...

I also started a new project... it's the historical map of Hungary done in folk motifs, and it will be a birthday gift for my husband at the end of April.

It is from a Hungarian cross stitch magazine - Keresztszemes magazine.  It is originally made into a clock, but I'm just making it into a picture that will eventually be framed.

And last but  not least... I am learning to crochet...Here is my second attempt, the first you may have seen on facebook... definitely not as nice as this one, though there is plenty of room for improvement still!

That's it for me... till next time happy stitching!

8 megjegyzés:

Marilyn írta...

Very nice projects, love the Cardinal Sampler.
The map of Hungary is interesting.

Dani - tkdchick írta...

Cardinal sampler looks magnificent.

Jan írta...

Wow I really like the colors in cardinal sampler. But I miss seeing Humbolt Coast. Congrats on all your progress.

Blu írta...

Cardinal Sampler looks great. The map looks very interesting.

Bonnie Brown írta...

Love cardinal sampler
Lots of pretty orts

helen írta...

I love the fact that you also started to do some crochet... :) Happy days :))

Caitlin @ Naughts Cross Stitches írta...

Gorgeous stitching :)

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname írta...

Denise has the solution to your sideways pictures here -

Lovely stitching too!