
hétfő, január 19, 2015

and we are off....

...off to the races so to speak

It's time to dust off the rotation and get back to stitching!  Barbi and I have started our regular Sunday SAL, and this time round we have Linda from SUch is Life joining us!  As they say, the more the merrier!!! Welcome Linda, I know both Barbi and I are looking forward to seeing your progress as well on seeing this beautiful design come to life!

If anyone else wants to join us, please do!  We are stitching Corwell Cottage Sampler by Rosewood Manor Designs.  The only "rule" you need to follow to participate is that you stitch it only on Sundays with us, and show your progress off on your blog.

I am the reason we are starting so late, poor Barbi has been so patient!  I ordered my supplies way too late!  I've had the chart, like Barbi, since it was released, but didn't order my threads till September, when we were planning an original October start....  Little did I know it would take till now to get my threads, as they were constantly on back order!  I'm still waiting for 2 colours to arrive (hopefully any day now), but the good thing is that I have enough to start!

I'm stitching it on a 32ct ivory jobelan, and going out of my comfort zone, instead of starting in the centre, I started in the bottom right hand corner....  Here is how far I got yesterday

I am loving it so far, and already, even though we just started, it will be hard to put down till next Sunday!  This will be a fun stitch for sure!

I've also been working on my winter patchwork by Jardin Prive... it's coming along slowly, but I've also run out of one of the browns...

Now on to my other projects that I will be rotating, hopefully weekly...

Rosewood Manor - Autumn Quakers

Les Grilles de Maryse - Home Sweet Home (SAL 2013)

Lanarte - Summer Bouquet

I am also planning a couple new starts as well... A blackwork project of some sort, a Mirabilia (not sure which one) and a Blackbird Designs pattern (again not sure which one). At least that is the plan! 

Till next time... happy stitching!

5 megjegyzés:

Barbi írta...

Holy Rotation Wonder Woman! I am so glad that we all started somewhere different on the chart! It was HARD to put it down for sure!

Unknown írta...

I think it's great that we have all started somewhere different - will make it more interesting to watch how we all get on each week.

Like both of you I found it hard to stop stitching on Sunday and am already looking forward to our next session.

All your stitching projects are so pretty - enjoy your rotation pieces and any new starts you do this week.

Marilyn írta...

Ooo, I love all of your projects!

Dani - tkdchick írta...

You are working on some wonderful projects! Great variety I'm going to enjoy watching your SAL piece grow!

Ruth írta...

Wow -- it's all so very beautiful. Congrats on all fronts. You make me want to stitch RIGHT NOW!