
hétfő, március 02, 2015

happy dance and sunday sal

I finally have my first finish for 2015!  La-D-Da's  Harvest House on 32ct jurrasic sands jobelan by crafty kitten, using GAST - apple cider, cherry bark, WDW - bullfrog, and Nina's threads - old gold and onyx.

It was quite an enjoyable stitch, and went relatively quickly. Now to move onto some other wips to finish them up!

However before I do that... here is my progress for my Sunday SAL with Barbi and Linda on Cornwall Cottage:

Not the best picture, but I've almost got the whole bottom part done!  Looking forward to moving upwards come next Sunday!

Till next time... happy stitching!

3 megjegyzés:

Marilyn írta...

Great job.
Congrats on your finish.
This is in my "to do" pile. lo
Cornwall is looking good.

Unknown írta...

Love your first finish of they year - very sweet.

Well done on getting so much completed on the SAL.

Barbi írta...

Woo hoo you're ready to turn the corner! With any luck I will be this Sunday too. Love the finish!