So let's not dawdle, let's dance... here it is in all its glory!
I've joined in on the stitch from stash wagon this year, including joining the FB group of the same name, to try and not spend so much money on I have a fairly large stash, and with that I am also making 2017 my year of wips... while I will still start new projects, I am trying to finish up as many of my wips that I already have going. So far so good... 2 down, 7 active wips to go! Though I do also have a couple of inactive wips that most people would consider ufo's that may also see the light of day this year... we will see what happens!
The next wip I decided to pull out of the pile to give some love was my Autumn Quaker by Rosewood Manor... now this poor thing hasn't seen any love since May of last year... I know I made an error on it somewhere so something is off, but I have no clue where... so I am sort of "working around" the problem. This is where I left off last May
I started working on it this week, with the big round motif that is just started at the top of the above picture... I finished that motif off, and will continue along with this project for the rest of this week.
I have one more wip to show you... Sunday was our Sunday SAL for Portrait of Veronica by Mirabilia, and here is where I left off with her...
She is fun to work on, and it is difficult to say the least to put her away every Sunday night when I'm done stitching for the day.
Till next time... happy stitching!
4 megjegyzés:
Cornwall Cottage is so pretty, congrats on your beautiful finish.
Autumn Quakers is coming along nicely too.
Beautiful stitching! Love the Cornwall Cottage! Congrats on the finish!
Huge congratulations on finishing Cornwall Cottage it looks fabulous with the changes you made. Good luck with all your other WIPs this year.
looks interesting embroidery digitizing service in us@#
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