Do you ever one of those days where you wish you just never got out of bed?? Today was one of those days, or more correctly one of those nights...
I hate being made out to be the bad guy and I hate having my words twisted into something I didn't say, or worse yet, I hate having words put into my mouth...
Like they say hind sight is 20/20 and I wish I could go back in time and just keep my thoughts to myself, maybe then I wouldn't end up going to bed crying or having one of the most important people in my life not really speaking to me and mad as heck...
Right now I really wish I could take back some of the things said in anger but that is it, I don't want to take back all I said, becuase there were some things he needed to hear, but I seriously doubt he actually "heard" what was said, more like what he "wanted" to hear...
Sigh... I really didn't need to add this to my stupid stress levels, but oh well what is done is done, we'll see how things turn out in the morning... or afternoon, as that is when we will see each other next... I'm off to bed, I hope you all have a better night than I did and better rest than I know I'm going to have....
night all...sorry for being so cryptic...
15 órája
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