The dreaded frog came for a visit, and he wasn't alone, but brought his friends for a party as well!
It seems that I need to learn to count and also what the months of the year are!(at least what order they go in!) I have messed up my SAL big time! I have made up my own calendar, and on mine, May is the 4th month and June is the fifth! Go figure that one! So now, all my work so far (except the borders) has been a waste!
Anyways, for now it will be put away until I figure out what I'm going to do with it - either frog the two months and redo them in the right squares or start over. I'm not quite sure yet... either way I'm taking a break from it for now...
The funny thing is (and it is funny) I didn't even notice till someone (Evi) pointed it out to me in my comments! The good thing, is that I'm laughing at this too. I'm off to stitch, and hoping that was the last I've seen of the frogs in a while. If not, then they had better watch out
5 órája
4 megjegyzés:
Oh No! Well at least you are having a giggle over it. The squares you have done look great though. I'm glad that your bbq went well - sorry I couldn't make it - next time.
Recently, on one of the French blogs I saw the monthly houses stitched into a block ornament. Instead of making each into a separate stuffed ornament, she took the first six months of the year and sewed them into a cube (or block). She will sew the next six months together into another cube... maybe this solution could work for you also. Sorry to hear about the frogs! Addie (Adika) -- who enjoys reading about your Hungerian news.
I just found the French blog that I mentioned earlier... See a picture of her cube made of the Maryse houses at
I hope you can find a way to fix your piece.
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