I took a few days vacation so I could be with them and do stuff, so needless to say we've been busy! For the long weekend we all went down to Fairmont hot springs (click for more pictures) and had a great time playing in the pool all day long and visiting with friends who were there as well. We met up with a bunch of wildlife on the way down - including many deer, mountain goats, a young moose as well as this guy ...
I couldn't get a good picture of him as my camera lens seemed to fog up a bit from the humidity or something becuase all the pictures I took are fuzzy. I didn't get any pool action shots as I was in the water as well, but here is the view from our room. We had a fantastic time and the weather was great as well -we all got a little colour.
Next up was Canada day, and my previous post showed our stitching progress but here are the girls in action
The next day was a very busy and fun filled day for us, we headed out to Butterfield Acres - a petting farm here in the city. It was fun, I've never been before either so it was all new to me as well. Afterwards we went to Cochrane for a nice lunch and then we went pottery painting. We had a whole group of us, as my three neices, my neice's husband and my great nephew as well as one of my best friend's and her son came along as well.
That Thursday hubby and I took the girls to up to the top of the Calgary tower and then afterwards it was the start of the Stampede, so we headed down for the sneak-a-peek (Stampede's official opening was the following day)
Friday I had day off as the girls had a day with Granpa and they went to Drumheller for the day to check out the dinosaurs.
Saturday during the day was just relaxing at home and then later family came over for dinner and Sunday was pretty much the same except after dinner the girls went home with my oldest niece.
2 megjegyzés:
You've got some really great pics. I love the one of your nieces and the Calgary Tower. And wow! a bear! I haven't seen one of those for a really long time.
Mennyi szép helyen jártatok! Köszönöm a sok fotót! Fairmontban készült képek némelyike az erdélyi Békás-szorosra emlékeztetett. :o)
Jó nézni, ahogy a lányok ilyen elmélyülten hímeznek.
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