
kedd, július 09, 2013

wips and orts

Just a quick post... here is my ort jar for this month... lots of orts in there and lots of stitching was done!  I've got orts from Humbolt Coast, lots from the Last Supper, a new wip and some from Fairy Moon...

I don't have a picture of my new wip yet but here is my progress on Fairy Moon...

I'm going to keep going on Fairy Moon, as I'm so close to finally being able to start stitching her body and head...  I'm a bit stuck on my new wip as I'm running low on beads and can't find the rest of them... I may need to start over if I can't find them! I'll post a picture of that wip next time round...

Till next time happy stitching everyone!

5 megjegyzés:

Névtelen írta...


I saw your blog mentioned in World of Cross Stitching magazine so I popped by for a visit.
Your stitching is beautiful, the Miribilia piece is just gorgeous on that fabric.

I enjoyed my visit!

Dani - tkdchick írta...

Fairy Moon is looking fantastic! I love the fabric you stitched her on!

Melissa írta...

Goodness I hope you don't have to rip out all those beads!!! All that hard work! Your WIP is beautiful - love that fabric.

Jucus írta...

Gyönyörű lesz a tündérkéd! Tervben van egy nálam is, csak még nem volt bátorságom belekezdeni.

Bernadett írta...
